The many famous mountains in Japan
View of Mt. Myogi from ‘Onozoki’
The list of “One Hundred Famous Mountains of Japan” were selected by Hisaya Fukada (Hisaya Fukada Yama no Bunka-kan), a mountaineer and novelist, based on his own climbing experiences. The criteria were 1) the class of the mountains, 2) the history of the mountains, and 3) the character of the mountains. The basic premise was that the mountains must have been actually climbed by Fukada himself. Later in 2006, Yamakei published The New Guide to Climbing the 100 Most Famous Mountains in Japan. In addition, the mountaineering magazine Gakujin conducted a survey and selected a hundred of the most interesting mountains for mountaineering. The Japanese mountains have been revered by many mountaineers and other nature lovers, and their names have been carved out in stone in history.
The 100 Most Famous Mountains of Japan by Hisaya Fukada (1964) ▼
Mountain name Pronunciation Altitude (m) Prefectures 1 利尻山 risirizan 1,721 Hokkaido 2 羅臼岳 rausudake 1,661 Hokkaido 3 斜里岳 syaridake 1,547 Hokkaido 4 雌阿寒岳(阿寒岳) meakandake 1,499 Hokkaido 5 大雪山<旭岳> taisetuzan 2,291 Hokkaido 6 トムラウシ山 tomurausiyama 2,141 Hokkaido 7 十勝岳 tokatidake 2,077 Hokkaido 8 幌尻岳 porosiridake 2,052 Hokkaido 9 羊蹄山(後方羊蹄山) yōteizan(siribesiyama) 1,898 Hokkaido 10 岩木山 iwakisan 1,625 Aomori 11 八甲田山<大岳> hakkōdasan<ōdake> 1,585 Aomori 12 八幡平 hatimantai 1,613 Iwate, Akita 13 岩手山 iwatesan 2,038 Iwate 14 早池峰山 hayatinesan 1,917 Iwate 15 鳥海山 tyōkaisan 2,236 Akita, Yamagata 16 月山 gassan 1,984 Yamagata 17 朝日岳<大朝日岳> asahidake<ōasahidake> 1,871 Yamagata 18 蔵王山 zaōsan 1,841 Miyagi, Yamagata 19 飯豊山<大日岳> dainitidake 2,128 Niigata 20 吾妻山 adumayama 2,035 Yamagata, Fukushima 21 安達太良山 adatarayama 1,700 Fukushima 22 磐梯山 bandaisan 1,816 Fukushima 23 会津駒ヶ岳 aidukomagatake 2,133 Fukushima 24 那須岳 nasudake 1,917 Tochigi 25 越後駒ヶ岳 etigokomagadake 2,003 Niigata 26 平ヶ岳 hiragatake 2,141 Gunma, Niigata 27 巻機山 makihatayama 1,967 Gunma, Niigata 28 燧ヶ岳 hiutigadake 2,356 Fukushima 29 至仏山 sibutusan 2,228 Gunma 30 谷川岳 tanigawadake 1,977 Gunma, Niigata 31 雨飾山 amakazariyama 1,963 Niigata, Nagano 32 苗場山 naebasan 2,145 Niigata, Nagano 33 妙高山 myōkōsan 2,454 Niigata 34 火打山 hiutiyama 2,462 Niigata 35 高妻山 takatumayama 2,353 Niigata, Nagano 36 男体山 nantaisan 2,486 Tochigi 37 日光白根山 nikkōsiranesan 2,578 Tochigi, Gunma 38 皇海山 sukaisan 2,144 Tochigi, Gunma 39 武尊山 hotakayama 2,158 Gunma 40 赤城山 akagisan 1,828 Gunma 41 草津白根山 kusatusiranesan 2,165 Gunma 42 四阿山 azumayasan 2,354 Gunma, Nagano 43 浅間山 asamayama 2,568 Gunma, Nagano 44 筑波山 tukubasan 877 Ibaraki 45 両神山 ryōkamisan 1,723 Saitama 46 雲取山 kumotoriyama 2,017 Saitama, Tokyo, Yamanashi 47 甲武信ヶ岳 kobusigatake 2,475 Saitama, Yamanashi, Nagano 48 金峰山 kinpusan 2,599 Yamanashi, Nagano 49 瑞牆山 mizukakiyama 2,230 Yamanashi 50 大菩薩嶺 daibosaturei 2,057 Yamanashi 51 丹沢山 tanzawasan 1,673 Kanagawa 52 富士山 huzisan 3,776 Yamanashi, Shizuoka 53 天城山 amagisan 1,406 Shizuoka 54 白馬岳 sirōmadake 2,932 Toyama, Nagano 55 五竜岳 goryūdake 2,814 Toyama, Nagano 56 鹿島槍ヶ岳 kasimayarigatake 2,889 Toyama, Nagano 57 剱岳 turugidake 2,999 Toyama 58 立山 tateyama 3,015 Toyama 59 薬師岳 yakusidake 2,926 Toyama 60 黒部五郎岳 kurobegorōdake 2,840 Toyama, Gifu 61 水晶岳(黒岳) suisyōdake 2,986 Toyama 62 鷲羽岳 wasibadake 2,924 Toyama, Nagano 63 槍ヶ岳 yarigatake 3,180 Nagano, Gifu 64 穂高岳 hotakadake 3,190 Nagano, Gifu 65 常念岳 zyōnendake 2,857 Nagano 66 笠ヶ岳 kasagatake 2,898 Gifu 67 焼岳 yakedake 2,455 Nagano, Gifu 68 乗鞍岳 norikuradake 3,026 Nagano, Gifu 69 御嶽山 ontakesan 3,067 Nagano, Gifu 70 美ヶ原 utukusigahara 2,034 Nagano 71 霧ヶ峰 kirigamine 1,925 Nagano 72 蓼科山 tatesinayama 2,531 Nagano 73 八ヶ岳 yatugatake 2,899 Yamanashi, Nagano 74 木曽駒ヶ岳 kisokomagatake 2,956 Nagano 75 空木岳 utugidake 2,864 Nagano 76 恵那山 enasan 2,191 Nagano, Gifu 77 甲斐駒ヶ岳 kaikomagatake 2,967 Yamanashi, Nagano 78 仙丈ヶ岳 senzyōgadake 3,033 Yamanashi, Nagano 79 鳳凰山<観音ヶ岳> kannongadake 2,841 Yamanashi 80 北岳 kitadake 3,193 Yamanashi 81 間ノ岳 ainodake 3,190 Yamanashi, Shizuoka 82 塩見岳 siomidake 3,047 Nagano, Shizuoka 83 荒川岳(悪沢岳) arakawadake 3,141 Shizuoka 84 赤石岳 akaisidake 3,121 Nagano, Shizuoka 85 聖岳 hiziridake 3,013 Nagano, Shizuoka 86 光岳 tekaridake 2,592 Shizuoka, Nagano 87 白山 hakusan 2,702 Ishikawa, Gifu 88 荒島岳 arasimadake 1,523 Fukui 89 伊吹山 ibukisan 1,377 Gifu and Shiga 90 大台ヶ原(日出ヶ岳) ōdaigahara 1,695 Mie, Nara 91 大峰山(八経ヶ岳) ōminesan 1,915 Nara 92 大山 daisen 1,729 Tottori 93 剣山 turugizan 1,955 Tokushima 94 石鎚山 isidutisan 1,982 Ehime 95 九重山 kuzyūsan 1,791 Oita 96 祖母山 sobosan 1,756 Oita, Miyazaki 97 阿蘇山 asosan 1,592 Kumamoto 98 霧島山(韓国岳) kirisimayama(karakunidake) 1,700 Miyazaki, Kagoshima 99 開聞岳 kaimondake 924 Kagoshima 100 宮之浦岳 miyanōradake 1,936 Kagoshima
Ancient spiritual mountains in the Japanese archipelago
Mt. Tengu, the summit of Mt. Ishizuchi
When one thinks of famous mountains in Japan, the criteria is not only based on mountains’ natural beauty (as was used by the selection of Hyakumeizan), but sometimes the criteria also includes historical and religious connotations such as Sacred Mountain, or Sacred Peak. Thus, there are some differences in the selection criteria.
Hyakumeizan: Selected based on their natural beauty
Spiritual Mountains: Selected using criteria that include historical and religious significance
Mt.Tsurugi summit shimenawaSpiritual mountains have been worshiped as objects of faith since ancient times. In Japan, mountains have been considered sacred places since ancient times, and people still have a deeply religious belief that gods reside there. Shrines were built throughout the mountains and festivals were held in accordance with local customs and religious beliefs. Based on these indigenous religious beliefs, the mountains themselves were sanctified and called sacred mountains because of their historical and religious significance and traditions.
The “Three Famous Mountains of Japan,” a Mecca of mountain worship
The most famous sacred mountains are the famous mountains named the “Three Famous Mountains of Japan” (Nihon San Meizan) and the “Three Great Spiritual Mountains of Japan” (Nihon Sandai Reihou).
- Mt. Fuji
- Hakusan
- Tateyama
A common practice among these three mountains is worshiping the entire mountains as deities, and the deities are enshrined not only at the foot of the mountain but also at their summits. Mountain worship was cultivated in the surrounding areas of these mountains and has been passed down from ancient times to the present day.

All of these mountains share a history as being Meccas of mountain worship and Shugendo, where many ascetics climbed to worship the gods. On Mt. Fuji, the Asama faith, which worshiped the divine spirit of the mountain, spread. Tateyama, where the deity Izanagi-no-mikoto is worshiped as Tateyama Gongen, the god of Tateyama worship. In Hakusan, too, Hakusan worship spread from ancient times. The historical fact that these mountains have been the center of mountain worship and have been climbed by many ascetic practitioners from ancient times to the present day is the reason why they have been called the “Three Famous Mountains”.
What are the “Seven Sacred Mountains of Japan”?
Ishizuchi’s Chain of Trials
The famous mountains of Japan include not only the “Three Famous Mountains of Japan,” “One Hundred Famous Mountains of Japan,” “Two Hundred Famous Mountains of Japan,” and “Three Hundred Famous Mountains of Japan,” but also the “Sacred Mountains,” a list of mountains that are also known as spiritual mountains. The most famous sacred mountains are called the “Seven Sacred Mountains of Japan“, and are still popular among many people and visited by many climbers. There are various theories about the “Seven Sacred Mountains of Japan,” but in general, the following mountains, including the “Three Famous Mountains of Japan,” are on the list.
- Mt. Fuji
- Hakusan (Mt. Hakusan)
- Tateyama
- Omine
- Shakugadake
- Ooyama
- Mt. Ishizuchi
There are other stories, excluding Shakagatake and including Gassan, that others have picked Ontake instead of Hakusan. How the sacred mountains are chosen depend on the criteria of scholars and the councils that selected them. Therefore, it can be said that there is no set accepted explanation for the “Seven Sacred Mountains of Japan”.
What are the “100 Sacred Mountains of Japan”?
Recently, Yamakei Publisher published a book titled “100 Sacred Mountains of Japan“, in which many mountains are introduced as spiritual mountains. The terms 霊山“reizan” and 霊峰 “reihou” are used almost synonymously. “Reiho” refers to the names of the mountains. For example, it is used in the name of a mountain like Mt. Fuji. Reizan is used because “zan” or 山 is the same character as “mountain.” Mt. Fuji is overlaid with the word “mountain.” For this reason, 霊峰 “reiho” is generally used when written together as a name for a mountain. In any case, the words “sacred mountain” and “sacred peak” are used to mean the same thing.
In selecting the “100 Sacred Mountains of Japan,” the author of the book states, “Although I call them ‘100 sacred mountains,’ I chose them based on my own preferences and the interest of their stories. In other words, it is clear that the “100 sacred mountains” were selected based on the assumption that there are many different legends. In addition, Yamareco lists “100 sacred peaks in Japan” selected by the Gakujin editorial department and Mr. Wahei Tatematsu in “One hundred sacred mountains Pilgrimage” published by Tokyo Shimbun Publishing Bureau. Again, the final judgment is made based on the subjectivity of the selectors.
Japanese mountaineers have established their own criteria for selecting mountains, and they compare them with each other to select the most outstanding ones in order. Therefore, while there is no set theory, the fact that the same mountains are often named in the same order suggests that the opinions of experts are generally in agreement.
One Hundred Sacred Mountains in Japan, YamaReco ▼
Mountain name Pronunciation Altitude (m) Prefectures 1 於茂登岳 omotodake 526 Okinawa 2 阿蘇山 asosan 1592.3 Kumamoto 3 開聞岳 kaimondake 924 Kagoshima 4 宮之浦岳 miyanōradake 1936 Kagoshima 5 高千穂峰 takatihonomine 1574 Miyazaki, Kagoshima 6 両子山 hutagoyama 720.2 Oita 7 英彦山 hikosan 1199.6 Fukuoka, Oita 8 九重山 kuzyūsan 1,791 Oita 9 宝満山 hōmanzan 829.6 Fukuoka 10 雲仙岳 unzendake 1359.29 Nagasaki 11 大山 daisen 1709.4 Tottori 12 三徳山 mitokusan 899.6 Tottori 13 三瓶山 sanbesan 1125.8 Shimane 14 高山 kōyama 532.8 Yamaguchi 15 弥山 misen 535 Hiroshima 16 上蒜山 kamihiruzen 1202 Okayama 17 剣山 turugisan 1955 Tokushima 18 石鎚山 isidutisan isidutiyama 1982 Ehime 19 比叡山 hieizan 848.1 Shiga 20 愛宕山 atagoyama 924 Kyoto 21 鞍馬山 kuramayama 584 Kyoto 22 貴船山716ピーク kibuneyama 716 Kyoto 23 鷲峰山 zyūbuzan 682 Kyoto 24 二上山 nizyōzan 517 Nara, Osaka 25 大和葛城山 yamatokaturagisan 959 Nara, Osaka 26 三輪山 miwayama 467.1 Nara 27 大峰山 ōminesan 1914.6 Nara 28 青根ヶ峰 aonegamine 858.1 Nara 29 妙見山 myōkenzan 660.1 Osaka, Hyogo 30 氷ノ山 hyōnosen 1509.77 Hyogo 31 楊柳山 yōryūsan 1009 Wakayama 32 妙法山 myōhōsan 749.5 Wakayama 33 護摩壇山 gomadanzan 1372 Wakayama, Nara 34 伊吹山 ibukiyama 1377.31 Shiga, Gifu 35 三上山 mikamiyama 432 Shiga 36 立山 tateyama 3015 Toyama 37 剱岳 turugidake 2999 Toyama 38 白山 hakusan 2702.17 Ishikawa, Gifu 39 越知山 otisan 612.8 Fukui 40 能郷白山 nōgōhakusan 1617 Gifu, Fukui 38 皇海山 sukaisan 2,144 Tochigi, Gunma 41 高賀山 kōgasan 1224.2 Gifu 42 位山 kuraiyama 1529 Gifu 43 笠ヶ岳 kasagatake 2897 Gifu 44 鳳来寺山 hōraizisan 695 Aichi 45 本宮山 hongūsan 789 Aichi 46 御在所岳 gozaisyodake 1212 Mie, Shiga 47 木曽駒ヶ岳 kisokomagatake 2956 Nagano 48 御嶽山 ontakesan 3067 Nagano, Gifu 49 槍ヶ岳 yarigatake 3180 Nagano, Gifu 50 戸隠山 togakusiyama 1904 Nagano 51 蓼科山 tatesinayama 2531 Nagano 52 四阿山 azumayasan 2354 Nagano, Gunma 53 穂高岳 hotakadake 3190 Nagano, Gifu 54 富士山 huzisan 3776.14 Yamanashi, Shizuoka 55 秋葉山 akihasan 885 Shizuoka 56 大山 ōyama 1252 Kanagawa 57 高尾山 takaosan 599.3 Tokyo 58 御岳山 mitakesan 929 Tokyo 59 大菩薩嶺 daibosaturei 2056.94 Toyama 60 甲斐駒ヶ岳 kaikomagatake 2967 Yamanashi, Nagano 61 七面山 sitimenzan 1989 Yamanashi 62 金峰山 kinpusan 2599 Yamanashi, Nagano 63 御正体山 misyōtaiyama 1682 Yamanashi 64 鷲羽岳 wasibadake 2,924 Toyama, Nagano 65 両神山 ryōkamisan 1723.33 Saitama 66 妙法ヶ岳 myōhōgatake 1320 Saitama 67 赤城山 akagiyama 1828 Gunma 68 榛名山 harunasan 1449 Gunma 69 浅間山 asamayama 2568 Nagano, Gunma 70 妙義山 myōgisan 1104 Gunma 71 男体山 nantaisan 2486 Tochigi 72 女峰山 nyohōsan 2483 Tochigi 73 庚申山 kōsinzan 1892 Tochigi 74 那須岳 nasudake 1915 Tochigi 75 八溝山 yamizosan 1022.2 Ibaraki, Fukushima 76 筑波山 tukubasan 877 Ibaraki 77 清澄山 kiyosumiyama 2,191 Chiba 78 八海山 hakkaisan 1778 Niigata 79 雨飾山 amakazariyama 1963 Nagano, Niigata 80 弥彦山 yahikoyama 634 Niigata 81 米山 yoneyama 993 Niigata 82 妙高山 myōkōsan 2454 Niigata 83 西吾妻山 nisiadumayama 2035 Fukushima, Yamagata 84 磐梯山 bandaisan 1816 Fukushima 85 安達太良山 adatarayama 1700 Fukushima 86 蔵王山 zaōsan 1841 Miyagi, Yamagata 87 葉山 hayama 1461.7 Yamagata 88 月山 gassan 1984 Yamagata 89 飯豊山 iidesan 2105 Fukushima, Niigata, Yamagata 90 鳥海山 tyōkaizan 2236 Yamagata 91 太平山 taiheizan 1170 Akita 92 森吉山 moriyosizan 1454.2 Akita 93 早池峰山 hayatinesan 1917 Iwate 94 岩手山 iwatesan 2038.2 Iwate 95 岩木山 iwakisan 1624.7 Aomori 96 釜臥山 kamabuseyama 879 Aomori 97 大雪山 taisetuzan 2290.89 Hokkaido 98 斜里岳 syaridake 1547 Hokkaido 99 幌尻岳 porosiridake 2052.8 Hokkaido 100 利尻山 risirizan 1721 Hokkaido

- List of 100 most famous mountains in Japan| YAMAP MAGAZINE Hisaya Fukada
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Nippon 100 Famous Mountains – NHK.JP
- 100 Famous Mountains of Japan – Hisaya Fukada
- Japan 100 Famous Mountains, Japan 100 Famous Mountains Japan (by region), Japan 200 Famous Mountains, Japan 300 Famous Mountains Japan 100 High Mountains, Japan 100 Low Mountains -Travel of Mountain Hiking, Mountain and Skiing travel agent, Pastel Tour inc.
- List of New 100 Famous Mountains of Japan Mountains List of New 100 Famous Mountains of Japan by mountaineer Motoro Iwasaki | Nihonhyakumeizan.net
- List of 200 Famous Mountains of Japan Hisaya Fukada
- List of Two Hundred Famous Mountains of Japan (selected by Fukada Club)
- List of 300 Famous Mountains of Japan Hisaya Fukada
- List of Three Hundred Famous Mountains of Japan – Wikipedia
- Japan’s Three Hundred Famous Mountains – Yoshihito Niimura
- 100 Famous Mountains of Flowers – Sumie Tanaka
- Japanese Mountains, 10 highest – Japan Tabi Magazine (in Japanese)
- Top 100 highest mountains in Japan
- 5 Mountain Seats in the Hyakunin Isshu, a Japanese Anthology of One Hundred Poems
- Major mountain beliefs in Japan
- 100 Low Mountains in Japan, Rui Yoshida
- I Wanted to See Scenery Like This! 10 most spectacular mountain views you must see zekkei japan
- Top 10 Best 100 Mountains in Japan with Spectacular Views
- Popular mountains- Top Ranked Mountains to Climb in 2021
- One hundred sacred mountains in Japan – Yamato Keikoku-sha Yamakei Shinsho Japan
- One Hundred Sacred Mountains in Japan, YamaReco